Beauty Archetype Quiz

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Learn your Beauty-Archetype results!Drop your name & email here to learn what your beauty archetype says about you! And stay in the know on all-things-beauty!
Thank you for taking the Conscious Beauty Archetype Quiz! How excited are you to find out your Archetype? I just sent you an email with your Beauty Archetype Results and some tips to get you into your Beauty Flow!
At a Glance

You are a beauty who is avid about seeking solutions to looking like the ideal version of yourself. You may have devoted a hefty amount of time doing all of the research on products & treatments, watching tons of tutorials, and trying out many methods to achieve your ideal beauty results.

People may often compliment your skin or tell you how amazing your makeup looks because you have learned a lot of beauty industry secrets. You often look to experts, influencers, and celebrities for beauty inspiration, and aspire to embody that image. Because you are focused on what you can see, it can sometimes lead to you getting hard on yourself if your esthetics are not as perfect as how you want them to be.

Your Beauty Approach

Your beauty approach is PICTURE READY. Your ultimate beauty goal is to have glowing skin (with absolutely no texture), manicured brows, thick long lashes, pouty lips, makeup that only accentuates the best parts of you, and you want to do it with minimal effort.

One thing is for sure, you are a self-proclaimed perfectionist and love to have control of your beauty results. You may even be known to lack patience when your results don't come fast enough.

Because it’s gaining popularity, you LOVE the idea of wellness to improve your beauty. You are down for Self-care Sunday along with eating and drinking your veggies. However, because you want results you can immediately see, wellness is not your first choice to become your ideal beauty. If it’s not going to be done perfectly, you tend to avoid doing it.

3 Tips For Better Beauty Results:
Beauty Awareness:

Bring awareness to where your beauty ideals are coming from. Are you doing something because it feels good, or because you want to fix something you don’t like? This is an important distinction which we dissect in my signature beauty and wellness coaching program The Beauty FLOW Method). Instead of approaching your beauty like a “Perfection Project”, reframe it as a Growth Goal. There is expansiveness in growth, a far more beneficial method to get you closer to truly FEELING beautiful.

Beauty Adaptogens:

Beauty Idealists tend to experience some unrest from trying to present their best selves. This feeling often leads to an imbalance in the gut and nervous system. These imbalances are the #1 cause of unfavorable skin reactions. Try adaptogenic foods and teas to balance your overall body and ease physical, emotional, and mental stress. Some of the best beauty adaptogens to look for are ashwagandha, turmeric, reishi mushrooms, and moringa. The Beauty FLOW Method delves deeper into the gut-brain-skin axis and the importance of holistic health & beautiful skin.

Dry Brushing Ritual:

The best way to practice getting out the mind is to tap into the body. One of my favorite ways is to introduce a dry brushing ritual a few mornings a week. Dry Brushing helps with lymphatic drainage, circulation, and energizes the body. This mindful ritual is a way to partake in a beauty practice that doesn’t involve you looking in the mirror or results you can see. You will get results you can feel. You’ll not only get sustainable beauty benefits, but you will also be practicing patience.

Beauty Strategy

You already have the skills to rock your beauty from the outside in. What can fill in the gap for you is to learn how to bridge the gap between your inner and outer beauty. When you understand the science behind how balancing emotionally, chemically, & physically, as well as loosening the grip on perfection can upgrade your beauty game, you'll see how much easier it is to become your ideal beauty.

If you are ready to AWAKEN your inner beauty, stop obsessing over every flaw you see in the mirror, age well, foster good skin-health, then the Awakened Beauty mini-course was made for you.

Because beauty isn’t just about crafting the body you desire. It’s about so much more than that. You’re developing a deeper relationship with your authentic self + sustaining self-love.

Learn more about Beauty Flow

At a Glance

You are someone that loves the idea of beauty but tends to avoid it because you are overwhelmed with the number of solutions, tips, techniques, and products out there. Oh yeah, and you have no idea where to begin.

Not only that, but you may also be suffering from decision fatigue, and have little-to-no time because of the million things you are juggling in life. (How do you NOT feel this as a woman?) You wish you could learn the ways to support your body & beauty and how to find more time for self-care. Ultimately you just need someone to tell you what to do and what to buy.

People may even compliment you on your beauty, and you have no idea how to respond because you have no idea what you did. All you know is that you did it in 15 minutes, maybe less.

Your Beauty Approach

Your beauty approach is SIMPLICITY. You want the most bang with minimal effort so you can carry about your day. When you find the time, you are ok with stepping out of the box with your beauty game. The only condition is that you don't have to think too hard.

You love the idea of wellness for beauty, but you have no idea where to fit it in with everything you have going on. The truth is, you may be wanting less on your plate now more than ever.

3 Tips For Better Beauty Results:
Sacred Self-Care:

Your never-ending to-do list may have you in burnout mode, or on the verge of it. When you are here it is easy to think that more discipline, productivity, and time management are the solutions to looking and feeling your best. It’s quite the opposite. What you need is rest and dedicated care for yourself. Learning tools to protect and support your nervous system may not seem like a beauty tip, but it has been the most effective move to upgrading vitality in my clients. This is how the body (and skin cells) rejuvenate and repair. Self-care is a spectrum -- it’s ok to need more than just a bubble bath or glass of wine

In my signature beauty coaching program, The Beauty FLOW Method, you will learn how to ease up on the guilt of taking time for yourself and fully embrace the self-care spectrum.

Eat Beauty Foods:

Because you never stop moving forward, you tend to run on the most convenient options. Especially when it comes to food. The reality is that the most convenient foods have tons of hidden sugars, beauty-busting oils, and processed ingredients. Depleting nutrients from your hair, skin, and nails.

To balance out your beauty & health in a time crunch, aim for incorporating some whole-food fiber, greens, quality protein, and healthy fat into your snacks and meals. This combination will help you to feel satiated longer and keep your energy levels stable throughout the day.
*ADDED BONUS: you'll also get a variety of vitamins and nutrients that pump your skin with beauty-loving goodness.

Simple & Consist Skincare:

the best skincare routines are NOT 10-steps long. They are quite simple. Consider investing in a quality cleanser, vit. C serum, retinol serum, moisturizer, and SPF. When it comes to caring for the skin, taking a conscious beauty approach is the most beneficial- doing less steps, but using effective products.

You will also enjoy the skin cycling framework for your night time skin care routine. In my beauty coaching program, The Beauty Flow Method, we dissect your makeup and skincare routine so that you learn how to support your beauty from all angles.

Beauty Strategy

What you can use is a strategy to find a way to prioritize yourself as a whole without adding one more thing to your plate. Because you are generally ambitious in life, you can flourish with the right knowledge, support, and accountability. Deep down inside, you know it’s what you need to feel better in your physical body.

If you are ready to learn attainable strategies to upgrade your beauty and wellness and meet the best version of yourself: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually without adding more to your plate , then the best place to start is with the Awakened Beauty mini-course designed for women on the go.

Learn more about Beauty Flow

At a Glance

You are a beauty enthusiast and are here because beauty is FUN! When you were little, you were the queen of playing dress-up. As you grew up, you didn’t become married to just one beauty brand or concept. You married the art of self-expression and creativity through style.

People love how transformational your beauty is. They admire that you are comfortable going from 0-100 at any time. Because your beauty closet looks like a mini Sephora, you are often asked what the best beauty products are and how to use them. Beauty is your love language, yet like all great relationships, it takes effort to stay aligned.

Your Beauty Expression

Your beauty approach is all about SELF-EXPRESSION and how you are feeling in the moment. You love an authentic, simple look for the day, and you love a snatched look for when the occasion calls for it. You live for expressing yourself with your beauty and style. Yet when those human moments kick in, and you are not feeling great, you can get uninspired and sometimes feel stuck. Which can be frustrating, right?

Because your view of beauty is focused on what you can see, you may have never really taken the time to understand beauty from the inside out. You love the idea of wellness for beauty (and may know that you would benefit from it), but if it gets too serious you walk the other way. You don’t want to feel limited because you just want to live your best life.

3 Tips For Better Beauty Results:
Mindful Beauty Practices:

Because you love the way beauty makes you feel, take advantage of that and look at beauty as your mindfulness practice. Instead of looking at beauty as just self-expression and something you do to make your photos aesthetically pleasing, look at it as a way to reconnect with yourself. Set the mood with candles and music, allowing more peaceful energy to be experienced, and spend some quality time with yourself.

Because beauty isn’t just about crafting the body you desire. It’s about so much more than that. You’re developing a deeper relationship with your authentic self + sustaining self-love.

Nourish Your Beauty:

Play with beauty smoothies to help your skin glow from the inside out. This is a fun way to stay creative and nourish your beauty from a different perspective. Want to understand the method behind beauty smoothies? We go in-depth on recipes in my signature beauty coaching program, The Beauty FLOW Method.

Gua Sha:

Learn how to use your Gua Sha tool properly. This Traditional Chinese Medicine tool not only promotes skin clarity, firmness, and muscle tone, it is also a wonder for lymphatic drainage and circulation. This is how your body naturally detoxifies and rejuvenates. Drainage needs to be done manually with the help of a tool. This mindful ritual is a way to partake in a beauty practice that doesn’t involve you looking in the mirror, or focusing on results you can immediately see. Instead, you’ll get results you can feel. Check out this guide to gua sha and the gua sha stone that gets you the best results.

Beauty Strategy

You already have the skills to master your beauty from the outside in. What can fill in the gap for you is to learn how to have fun with beauty from the inside out. Learn how energy-shifting beauty rituals and cooking for beauty can be a good time. Beauty from the inside out doesn’t always have to be serious. It could be your most epic transformation yet.

If you are ready to finally add to your beauty game and incorporate a full-body beauty method, and learn how to keep beauty fun as you age, then you’ll have a blast in the Awakened Beauty mini-course. It’s filled with all of the beauty (and wellness) fun without the rigidity.

Learn more about Beauty Flow

At a Glance

You love all things beauty, as long as it’s ethical and done consciously. You try to be mindful of the ingredients in products and how they are sourced. Supporting brands that align with your values is a high priority for you. Cleaner beauty is your jam. You understand that what we put in and on our bodies impacts our beauty. You tend to indulge in beauty rituals that involve calming your mind and balancing the body while having your favorite crystals next to you. Ultimately you are looking to be part of a better beauty movement.

People tend to ask you your secrets on looking young and staying healthy. You get complimented on your natural beauty and how you make it look effortless. If they only knew you were wearing a full face of makeup.

Your Beauty Approach

Your beauty approach is AUTHENTICITY. You are more concerned with looking like yourself and letting products transcend you. You are usually dabbing your fingers in creamy, luscious products that have natural tones and textures. Yet, when your spirit calls for it, you are not afraid to amp it up.

Because you are living a more conscious lifestyle, seeing beauty through a holistic lens is nothing new to you. You fully embrace the idea that beauty is a byproduct of wellness, and you want to learn more about how to incorporate that into your life.

3 Tips For Better Beauty Results:

Deepen your meditation practice and strive for 15 minutes a day. Studies show that regular meditators can physically lengthen telomeres. Telomeres are the caps at the end of your chromosomes that shorten as you age, causing signs of aging. By meditating, you are reversing the biological clock.In my signature beauty coaching program, The Beauty Flow Method, meditation is a foundational tool because soul-care is just as important as skincare.


Because beauty is a result of a well-balanced body, try adaptogenic foods and teas to ease physical, emotional, and mental stress. Introduce traditional adaptogens like ashwagandha, turmeric, reishi mushrooms, and moringa. These potent species have been staples for thousands of years in modalities like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Gua Sha:

Learn how to use your Gua Sha tool properly. This Traditional Chinese Medicine tool not only promotes skin clarity, firmness, and muscle tone, it also is a wonder for lymphatic drainage and circulation. This is how your body naturally detoxifies and rejuvenates. Drainage needs to be done manually with the help of a tool. This mindful ritual is a way to partake in a beauty practice that doesn’t involve you looking in the mirror, or focusing on results you can immediately see. Instead, you’ll get results you can feel. Check out this guide to gua sha and the gua sha stone that gets you the best results.

Beauty Strategy

You already have the desire to master your beauty mindfully. What can fill in the gap for you is to learn the intricate nuances of a beauty approach that starts from the inside out. The more you navigate the beauty world, the more you will learn that beauty is a result of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

If you are ready to be part of a better beauty movement then you are in the right place. You'll feel aligned with the Awakened Beauty mini-course because you are ready to understand how to bridge the gap between the conventional beauty industry insights and a holistic, science-backed approach to beauty.

Learn more about Beauty Flow

At a Glance

Beauty seems nice but let’s face it, beauty is not your priority. You feel pressed to indulge in beauty and only do it when you feel like you have to. At your core, it’s not that you don't enjoy beauty, it’s just that you never learned the skills to feel confident in the beauty world. So why bother now?

As time goes on, you may be warming up to the skincare world because you know that it is one way to support your beauty journey. You are excited when someone else shows you a technique or product that helps you out, but you will never go out of your way to seek more information about beauty.

Your Beauty Approach

Your beauty approach is SIMPLICITY. Whether it’s for a special occasion or work, you keep it to the bare minimum. You will never go too far from what you are used to. You may even wish you could do a little more, but have no idea what to do or where to begin.

Even though beauty isn’t a priority, that doesn’t mean your wellness isn’t. Yet, you may be more of the giving type, which can mean that you don’t make time for yourself or learn how to support your wellness journey. When you boil it down, you simply want to learn how to take better care of yourself.

3 Tips For Better Beauty Results:
Morning Ritual:

Start your mornings by doing one thing that makes you feel good, whether it’s drinking your coffee while listening to your favorite music, taking a short walk, or spending five extra minutes in the shower. Taking care of yourself sets the tone for the day and helps you improve your appearance with a conscious beauty approach. This momentum may roll into other small acts during the day, which will brighten your face with your beautiful smile.

Beauty Foods:

Because you are such a giver, you tend to run on the most convenient options. Especially when it comes to food. Most convenient foods have tons of hidden sugars, beauty-busting oils, and processed ingredients. To balance out your beauty & health in a time crunch, aim for incorporating some whole-food fiber, greens, quality protein, and healthy fat into your snacks and meals. This combination will help you to feel satiated longer and keep your energy levels stable throughout the day. ADDED BONUS: you'll also get a variety of vitamins and nutrients that pump your skin with beauty-loving goodness.

Proper Skin Hydration:

Knowing that you don’t spend a lot of time on your beauty routine, this is the one thing you can do (daily) that will make a big difference: MOISTURIZE in the proper order. Most people don’t know that there is a scientific method to moisturizing the skin. First, start with damp skin, then add any serum or essence, next add your face cream, then eye cream, and end with any SPF or face oil. To receive the most out of your skincare apply products from thinnest to thickest. This will leave your skin glowing all day. For the night time you can use this skin cycling framework to help you out with a simple routine.

Beauty Strategy

What will help is to take it in baby steps. Once you become confident with one skill, then you can build on it from there. Keep in mind that the best beauty routine is the one that comes from an inside-out approach. So let the wellness rituals become the base of your beauty.

If you are lacking the confidence and ready to learn attainable strategies to upgrade your beauty and wellness, and meet the best version of yourself: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually – then the easiest and safest place to start is the Awakened Beauty mini-course. You can dip your toes into the beauty world without all of the overwhelm.

Learn more about Beauty Flow